Foods that Heal * Manganese * Author Bryan K. Marcia, Ph.D. Date: 1996/07/23 Forum: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIGHEST MANGANESE FOODS BEST SOURCES: Black walnuts; nuts and seeds (raw); nasturtium leaves OTHER GOOD SOURCES: Acorns; almonds; apples; apricots; beans; blackberries; black-eyed peas; blueberries; breadfruit; butternuts; cardamon; celery; chestnuts; raw egg yolks; English walnuts; endive; leaf lettuce; marjoram; mint; oats; sundried olives; parsley; pingolia nuts; pineapple; rye meal; watercress; wintergreen MANGANESE IN THE HUMAN BODY: The "love element" Controls nerves; memory element; builds resistance; acts upon boy linings; coordinates thought and action; related to bile activity; develops ability to see clearly; increases tension; promotes recuperative ability; enhances intellectual power; mostly needed in the nervous system. BIOCHEMICAL NOTES: Dissolves in water. * Manganese is an element that has a very important effect upon the brain. Brain cells die and are replaced every 6 weeks, if they were not replaced we would not retain what we learn, what we experience in our daily life. Therefore there must be some kind of photographic process going on in the brain or we would never remember anything! Manganese is vital in the action of transmission between all cells in the body, so we retrain the information of the cell that was replaced. * Manganese is an element that has a great deal to so with a function called "synergy". When we think, study or do any work we use all of our forty major brain faculties. When manganese is in good supply there is greater harmony within these faculties. * Excess in manganese is extremely rare and is found in minute amounts in the body. Some foods contain minute amounts of manganese, with the highest being California walnuts and almonds at 0.02 %. Iron rich foods are also good sources of manganese. * The individual who lacks manganese will be insensible in his reasoning; memory will be poor, and will not be able to express his ideas nor handle his knowledge very successfully. * All old people are short of manganese due to declining inability to assimilate it, therefor one must supply it in great amounts when we are older. Younger people tend to have a good supply of manganese in their system unless one is eating a manganese deficient diet. * Excess manganese is extremely rare, therefor all people require manganese in their diet. Cracking in the ears and the brain is a symptom of manganese hunger. Indications of manganese deficiency are facial neuralgia, angry and silent moods, and rectal cramps after meals. * Lack of iron in a individual results in similar symptoms as with lack of manganese. * Manganese is dependent on iron and phosphorus. * The main purpose of manganese is to harmonize and utilize all the various functions of the brain and it's faculties along with the physical and soul faculties. * Manganese is somewhat like sulphur, it works with the principle of life and acts in association with the vitamins which are at work.